3 Style and Confidence Tips For The New Year


Happy New Year!

The start of the New Year is always a time when we start thinking and talking about self improvement. What do we need to change and to feel better and happier with ourselves?

There are lots of things we can do to reset and recharge but a good place to start is to give these 3 things a little thought - 3 tips to improve your style and confidence this year!

1 - Don’t Compare (in a negative way!)

I know this is easier said than done but recognise that everyone has their own unique style, abilities and talents including you! So work out how to make the most of them and let them shine!

Also bear in mind that comparing can be used in a positive way. If there is somebody you admire work out why that is and is there anything you can take onboard for your own self improvement? If it is somebodys sense of style you long for then work out how you can adapt some of their ideas and make them work for you.

2 - Be Adventurous /Try Something New

Often we can be afraid to step out of our comfort zone particularly when it comes to the way we dress. We can get stuck in a rut and afraid to embrace something new. Why not make this year the year you decide to try some fresh ideas. If you have steered clear of colour get to know the colours which suit you and then incorporate them into your wardrobe. Wearing colour is always so uplifting! Don’t forget you can start with some colourful accessories such as bags, scarves and jewellery. If you are always in jeans why not give a denim dress or skirt a go or a new style of jeans?

3 - Don’t Save Things For Best - Dress Up Show Up Be Confident Everyday!

This is so important. Wear your wardrobe! Every day is an occasion and an opportunity to dress up! Life is too short and more importantly if we dress up and make an effort it improves our mood and well being. Wear your sequins with denim, your suits with trainers, your party dresses under blazers and sweaters! When I was looking for a picture to illustrate this tip I loved this one I found of a little girl - children always love to wear their best clothes and you’ll often see party dresses worn proudly with wellies so channel that childlike indulgence for yourself and step out proudly!


If you need a hand to find out your best colours, how to find clothes that flatter your bodyshape or just get some encouragement and tips on how to make the most of your wardrobe. Please get in touch for a free consultation and lets chat!


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